Situated close to the city centre and boasting spectacular panoramic views over the surrounding hills from the roof-terrace, this is the first hotel entirely dedicated to chocolate. Set on 3 unusual floors, each one of which is named after a different type of chocolate - Piano al Latte (Milk Floor); Piano al Gianduia (Piedmontese Nut Floor); and Piano al Fondente (Dark Floor) - the 94 rooms are fully equipped with the most modern facilities. Some rooms, on request, boast additional services such as fitness equipments, relaxing music, massaging armchair, Playstation and X-box. The hotel’s well stocked Chocostore offers products from the best chocolate manufacturers, as well as chocolate curiosities and gadgets from all over the world. The original restaurant serves traditional cuisine and a full cocoa menu. On request, some of the rooms can feature fitness equipment, massage armchair, Playstation, Xbox and a sun light.