Hotels in Castille and Leon

3198 hotels found

in Castille and Leon (Autonomous Community)

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Hostel Carabela

15.03€ ~ 36.06per night

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Hostel La Chopera Hostel La Chopera

Puebla de Sanabria

30€ ~ 50per night

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320per night

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400per night

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Hostel Castilla Hostel Castilla

San Cristóbal de Entreviñas

25€ ~ 40per night

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Hostel Ruma Hostel Ruma

Navas de San Antonio

Hostel Ruma

17€ ~ 36per night

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Rustic House Casa José María

36per night

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52.14€ ~ 106.61per night

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Hostel ROSARIO Hotel information
Hostel Carabela Hotel information
Rustic House FONCEBADON Hotel information
Hostel Las Vegas de Castilla Hotel information
Hostel La Chopera Hotel information
Rustic House EL CASILLO Hotel information
Hostel CLUB Hotel information
Rustic House El Telar de la abuela Serapia Hotel information
Hostel MODERNO Hotel information
Hostel Camino Real Hotel information
Rustic House Casa Inglesa del Castañar Hotel information
Rustic House EL BRASERILLO Hotel information
Hostel Castilla Hotel information
Hostel Ruma Hotel information
Hostel RAFA Hotel information
Rustic House Casa José María Hotel information
Hostel Goya Hotel information